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Solution Focused Therapy (SFBT) is a method which, as the name suggests, focuses on solutions rather
than analysing problems from the past. Essentially, solution focused therapy focuses on the client’s
preferred future, allowing you to connect to your unique skill sets, resources and strengths to overcome
any difficulties working towards goals.

Developed in the 1970s by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg, Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is a type of ‘talking therapy’ that combines the use of psychotherapy with hypnosis. Hypnosis or ‘trance’ is a very natural, relaxing state, encouraged by using guided relaxation, where the mind can relax and then focus on thoughts and suggestions that might be useful. As a modern psychotherapeutic approach, Solution Focused Hypnotherapy uses practical, structured, and well-researched strategies to help people make significant, positive changes in their lives in a relatively short period of time. Crucially, in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, therapists look at what the client wants to achieve (the solution) rather than at whatever prompted them to seek help (the problem).

An emotional version of acupuncture without the needles, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)
was developed in the early 1990’s by Gary Craig, combining ancient Chinese medicine and modern
psychology. It is a brief, self-applied stress reduction technique using elements of cognitive therapy, with
physical stimulation of acupuncture points. It is often referred to as ‘Tapping’ as it uses a two finger
tapping process on known acupuncture points.

It’s a unique exercise that calms you so that you can think more clearly about your problem.
This particular form of alternative therapy is described as an emotional, needle-free version of

acupuncture and is based on new discoveries regarding the connection between your body’s subtle
energies, your emotions and your subconscious, complimenting your health.

EFT can address a range of issues by simply focusing on the issue you would like to address with an
acceptance statement, along with a simple, two-finger tapping technique.


  • Chronic illness (for e.g. diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue) to alleviate fear, suffering, pain
  • Fears, phobias (public speaking, heights, agoraphobia, spiders, snakes etc)
  • Addictions
  • Limiting Beliefs, Negative patterns and Strategies
  • Auto-Immune diseases (ME, MS)
  • Relationships
  • PTSD
  • Anxiety
  • Pain Management
  • Depression
  • Self Confidence and Self-Esteem


Matrix Re-Imprinting is a form of Meridian Tapping Therapy (based on EFT) developed by Karl Dawson.

The method focuses on transforming painful memories that keep people stuck in the past. The transformation of these painful memories can improve the person’s life in the present. People have used this method to overcome emotional issues such as grief, anxieties, health issues, relationships and other life issues.

Matrix Re-Imprinting is effective in addressing the root of an issue, finding the core beliefs or our unhealthy belief systems and emotional attachments, allowing for a release of our old beliefs and creating new, healthy beliefs and their naturally linked emotions.


Grief is a significant part of our lives, often entering early through experiences such as the loss of a beloved pet. While the most commonly associated form of grief is the passing of a loved one, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to grieving. It’s an intensely personal journey that varies from individual to individual.
The concept of the Five Stages of Grief, as formulated by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, outlines stages that include denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and ultimately acceptance. However, the grieving process is neither swift nor linear, and it takes on a wholly unique form for each person.
These stages serve as a foundation for the individualised grieving process. Frequently, we yearn to express our feelings and examine how grief impacts us, especially the connections we have with the people or things linked to our grief. Paying tribute and receiving acknowledgment for our grief can be vital.
Sometimes, trauma or emotions like guilt can hinder the natural grieving process from fully unfolding. Addressing any feelings of guilt enables us to grieve on a more profound and authentic level.

The purpose of Grief Therapy is clear – it’s here to guide you through this challenging aspect of life. Through various therapeutic approaches, tools, and the simple act of being heard and supported in a safe environment, we can navigate this period with greater understanding, find deeper meanings, establish connections, and ultimately reach acceptance.

Grief can come in many forms:

    • Divorce or breakup

    • Health issues

    • Death of a pet

    • Job or financial loss

    • Miscarriage or abortion

    • A loved one’s serious illness

    • Loss of a friendship

    • Loss of safety after a trauma

    • Moving home

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